The Creation Of The Universe

Chapter 1, Verse 7

The ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE inspects the thread, which resembles a string of pearls: each one a perfect embodiment of our Laws of Physics.

He carefully selects one bead and pulls it free from the the measureless string.

THIS AND ONLY THIS is marked with his careful choice of the immutable constants of reality:
Among them are:
The Planck constant,
The charge on the electron
and the speed of light!

CAREFUL! In his awful hand now lies a single, shimmering, golden EGG. The GERM of our Universe: quiescent, beautiful and full of latent energy.

He smiles as he gazes upon this MATCHLESS TREASURE and gently breathes upon it. The EGG pulsates.

WATCH NOW! and roll the cameras, as the Great Master STRIKES the little EGG with a tiny metal wand.


God cracks the EGG