Genesis title

Grand Unification

A bunch of scientists trying to figure out the Universe.

What if the Book of Genesis had been written by a modern Physicist and Philosopher? And what if the entire creation story were forced to comply with the modern Laws of Physics? And what if the entire thing were written and illustrated in the style of an original Dr Strange Marvel comic? Would all Physicists climb on board and give it their blessing?

"Let's just find out." I said to myself back in 2012 when I embarked on this strange project. I quickly wrote the text in consultation with Wikipedia in order to get the fundamental concepts and timeline correct but I lacked the confidence and motivation to produce the artwork so I shelved the project.

Then in 2024 with the outbreak of truly amazing AIs I saw the opportunity to get the thing illustrated in a manner beyond my capability and in one day I had all the illustrations for "The Creation Of The Universe". It was an irritating process at times to get what I wanted but the results were AMAZING! Thanks CoPilot and DALL.E 3!

So I just had to create the page structure and all the HTML and it was ALIVE!

After rereading it I realised that I needed to make some changes, so I brought in the matter of inflation and tweaked the wording a little to fit the accepted model more closely. I also brought in the idea of The Arbiters, (thanks Terry Pratchett!) and the idea that even a God is answerable to powers greater than himself. I like that idea as I feel that God interferes far too much! Certainly in my life...

Warren Mars - May 2024

25 June 2024 - After finishing the first 3 chapters I was thinking about anti-matter when I had the idea of 2 universes separated at t=0. One with time running "forwards" and the other "backwards". I believed that it solved the problem of matter-anti-matter asymmetry so I put it in even though it wasn't canon at the time. The idea seemed so obvious and sensible that I couldn't believe I was the first to think of it and, or course, I wasn't! Credit to Latham Boyle, Kieran Finn and Neil Turok who got there first in 2018! (and to anyone else that might also have done so.)