The Creation Of The Galaxies

Chapter 2, Verse 6

He is just finishing his treatise on "Operator Algebras in N Dimensions" when his cocoon dissolves and HE IS BACK!


So happy is He to be free again that he composes a song about his love for the Universe and the prices He had to pay to get it. It is the first piece of music heard in the entire Universe and it is based on the key of the primal note... She that hath ears: Let her hear!

During this composition process he discovers the fundamental imperfection in the mathematics of music and his mien is clouded for a while.

He durst not redefine the parameters of Mathematics to fix the issue lest the Arbiters destroy his nascent Universe completely so he makes a few adjustments at the edges... not enough to alert THE POLICE but enough to allow a workable compromise...

THE SONG is long and rich in meaning, melody and harmonic magic. So great is its power that its echo may be discerned in the Eigen Functions of all Linear Time-Invariant Systems to this day.

GOD is DONE. He is exhausted emotionally from his immense outpouring and for a time he rests, allowing himself to recharge in preparation for WHAT IS TO COME.

God sings his love song