The Creation Of The Elements

Chapter 3, Verse 8

7 billion years after the Creation the first 3rd generation stars begin to form. They have high metallicity and the OMNIPOTENT CREATOR at last begins to see his Master Plan coming together.

The massive blue giant stars have mostly died now. Indeed, any star bigger than 1.4M is quite rare.

Three quarters of stars now are red dwarfs and roughly 1 quarter are F, G or K class stars with masses not far from that of the Sun.

The Master is excited to test out his "s process". It has not been possible until now as it requires low mass stars with appreciable quantities of Fe. These are now available but he will have to wait another 2 billion years as the process will not begin until the star is on the Asymptotic Giant Branch.

In the meantime, now that there are Gen 3 stars with significant quantities of carbon the CNO cycle becomes possible and GOD is rapt to see the increased rate of hydrogen burning in such stars. Even though the mass of such F class entities is just 1.5 times that of the Sun their lifetime is only a third.


More power to HIS MIGHTY HAND!

F class star