When I Am 40

Lonely Woman

Why am I lonely?

We've all heard the modern feminist liturgy: "An enlightened woman doesn't need a man!" and there are now generations of women who have believed it. "Down with the Patriarchy!", "All men are rapists!", "Smash the glass ceiling!", "Female CEOs now!", etc.

And now that women have taken all that they want, why should they feel empty? Thank the powers that we have high quality coffee and cake!

When I am 40 I'll swan into town,
And show off to all my expensive new gown,
My makeup perfection, my hair to a 't',
And I'll smile as the sycophants grovel for me.

When I am 40 my life will be grand,
My house will be paid for, on valuable land.
I won't have to work that damn nine-to-five week,
As my patrons donate for each word that I speak.

When I am 40 I'll lock my back door,
And gaze at my library of books by the score.
There'll be: SF and horror, romance and fairy.
I won't go outside where people are scary.

When I am 40 I'll turn to the drink,
To deaden the noise in my head when I think.
I'll talk to myself and pour scorn at the screen:
"So what if I'm lonely. I live like a queen!"

When I am 40 I'll try not to cry,
As I stare at the life that is passing me by.
"My career has been more than I ever had dreamed,
But something important is still not redeemed."

When I am 40 I'll feel kind of glum,
As I fidget and wait for my children to come.
"They'd better come soon or they'll spoil my plan.
Why, oh why, can't I find the right man?"

Warren Mars - September 2024